Golborne are 4th Section North West Champions 2023

When you think of Blackpool in February, what comes to mind? Probably freezing cold weather, a bracing wind and everything looking a bit grey and dreary. Ask Golborne Band and you’d probably get a different answer.
On Sunday, 26 February 2023, musicians from Golborne Brass Band took to the stage in Blackpool for the North West Regional Brass Band Championships to compete for the title of 4th Section North West champions. Following a challenging competition against 14 other bands, the band was proud to achieve first prize, and qualify for a place at the National Finals in Cheltenham in September.
Expertly conducted by Les Webb, who has played for many of the top bands in the country, including the Principal Trombone position with Fairey Band and has played for other top bands including Foden’s band and Grimethorpe Band. Webb’s motto “music is fun” transferred from the rehearsal room to the stage as the band showed off their progress over the last twelve months.
Performing Darrol Barry’s work Hungerford Town, a challenging test for the most able of bands, the band focussed on performing musically and colourfully to take the title. It is not just the band who were recognised during the contest, with Soprano Cornet player, Ian Twiss winning the only individual award of the competition for best Soprano Cornet. A special mention was also given to the percussion section who delivered an outstanding performance on a demanding part.
Chairman, Peter Jackson said, “The band’s recent win at the North West Regional Championships brings twelve months of hard work and dedication to fruition. Representing the North West in Cheltenham is a great honour and the band is looking forward to a fabulous and exciting future.”
With an invitation to the National Finals in Cheltenham, the band will now embark on a fundraising journey, hoping to raise the full costs to cover a trip to Cheltenham, and would welcome discussions with local companies and individuals who would like to support the band. Donations are being accepted through our Just Giving page. To discuss other ways to donate please email golbornebrass1847@gmail.com or contact the band on Facebook @GolborneBrassBand.